You can share a link to the sign and review view for a case instead of sending out an email invite.
See the following steps for how to find the link:
1. Create a case and configure the settings.
If you don't want an email to go out in step 4 below, disable the option to send out an invite to the parties under settings.
2. Enter the party information.
If you want the person who receives the link yourself to enter his name, you can choose the party to be an Open Party. If you choose Open Party, you can also leave the email field blank. The setting can be found in the party's drop-down menu.
3. Instead of choosing the green "Send for signing" button, click the button with three dots "..."
4. Choose "Send and open" and you will be taken directly to the review and sign view.
5. Copy the URL which is the unique link to the case.
6. Share the link.
Access Control
To ensure that only the intended person can view the document/agreement you can enable the Access Control feature, which requires the person to identify themselves before the case is shown. Set the national ID number or phone number as party settings in step 2 above.
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