1. Send a link
You can easily transfer a case from one device to another (computer to smart phone or tablet, or vice versa).
In your invitation to sign, click the sign now-button.
If you are on a device without a touch screen, and the signature requires it - this window will appear:
Write the email adress or the phone number to the device you wish to sign on, and a link will be sent. You can now access the case from your chosen device and resume signing.
2. Copy the link or open the case with a QR-code.
The link and QR-code will appear when you click the blue links.
If you want to sign on the computer you open the case on, select Sign on this computer and sign with your mouse.
3. Save it for later
Click Signing options and Save and sign later.
Now fill out your email adress and a link will be sent. You can then resume signing at any time by accessing the case through the email.
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