Check your settings to see if the devices Orientation Lock is on.
To turn it off on Iphone 5
- Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the Control Center.
- Then tap the Rotate Lock icon (a lock and an arrow around it). The icon should be grey when disabled.
If you have an iPhone 6 Plus or iPhone 6s Plus
- Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the Control Center.
- Turn off Display Zoom to rotate the Home screen.
If you have an iPad with a Side Switch, turn the Side Switch on or off.
If you checked your settings and your screen still doesn't rotate when you use an app that should rotate, follow these steps:
- Restart your iOS device.
- If the screen still won't rotate, contact Apple Support.
If you use a device with Android
Go to Settings > Accessibility. Select Auto-rotate screen.
If you use a device with Windows Phone 8
Go to Settings > Screen rotation > Deactivate rotation lock.
You can find more information at Microsoft support.
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