There are five different standard roles that an agent can have.
These roles should be well suited for most scenarios, but you can can also create your own roles, rename or edit the default ones to suit your needs.
The standard roles are: IsolatedAgent, LimitedAgent, Agent, Manager and Administrator.
The Administrator has complete access to everything: manage the account, invite and manage agents, manage cases and manage templates. Can see the LiveID log for the entire account.
The Manager has access to everything except managing the account, but they can invite new Agents. Can see the LiveID log for the entire account.
The Agent can manage cases owned by them, and has some permission to manage other agents’ cases.
They cannot “Approve and Send” or ”Edit Restrictions”.
They cannot access other agents’ private cases or private templates.
They can only see their own LiveID log.
The LimitedAgent can manage their own cases, and has some permission to manage other agents’ cases.
They can fully manage their own templates, but only view other agents’ templates.
They have no other E-Sign permissions.
They can only see their own LiveID log.
The IsolatedAgent can only manage cases belonging to them.
They have no other E-Sign permissions.
They can only see their own LiveID log.
If you want to modify the default roles you have the possibility to;
- remove and add different rights to the five standard roles
- change the names of the five standard roles
- create new roles completely
- remove roles from the account entirely
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